Re: [orca-list] Controlling Orca via VNC

On 10/20/2013 3:55 PM, Alex Midence wrote:
On 10/20/2013 7:40 AM, Bill Cox wrote:
I want to control my Ubuntu 13.04 server using Orca through VNC.  I'm able to port-forward speech-hub from my Windows laptop to port 6560 on the Ubuntu server, and Orca talks to it just fine.  The only problem I'm having is that the caps-lock key and insert key do not seem to get passed to the vino-server that Ubuntu runs by default if you share your desktop.  I'm able to use keyboard navigation to listen to text, but I can't issue any Orca commands that require the Orca key.

Is there any known solution for this?  I think it would be awesome to be able to control a remote Orca desktop over VNC or something similar.


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+1 on this.  It would indeed be awesome to be able to control a Linux machinerunning Orca  remotely. 

Alex M

While the best solution would be to upgrade all the VNC servers and clients to deal with caps-lock and insert properly, I like the idea of a quick python hack.  All we have to do is have a new Orca key sequence rather than a modifier.  For example, if I say I want left shift to be the new Orca key, then I could press and release left shift, followed by space, and the Orca preference dialog would come up.  If I could assign that to any key, it would be even better.  For example, I don't use backslash very often.


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