Re: [gtk-osx-users] GTK with Quartz backend

On Jan 8, 2021, at 12:16 PM, Allin Cottrell <cottrell wfu edu> wrote:

It's also not possible to cross-compile for the Quartz backend because that requires a macOS SDK, 
something available only on Mac computers running macOS.

Not so. See , a brilliant piece of work. Cross-compiling on linux 
via clang is not too difficult; I do it for gretl ( ), a rather complex GTK 

Which includes an anchor "Please ensure you have read and understood the Xcode license terms before 
continuing." pointing to That states:

"“Apple Software” means the Xcode Developer Tools and the Apple SDKs, including any Updates thereto (if any) 
that may be provided to You by Apple."
"2.2 Permitted Uses and Restrictions

"Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Apple hereby grants You during the Term, a limited, 
non-exclusive, personal, revocable, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, and internal use license to:

"A. Install a reasonable number of copies of the Apple Software on Apple-branded computers that are owned or 
controlled by You to be used internally by You or Your Authorized Developers only as follows:"

What follows does not include any provision for installing Apple software on computers that are not 
Apple-branded, so the osxcross warning would be more honestly stated "Using this project violates your 
developer agreement with Apple. Getting caught will at least result in losing access to the Apple Developer 
program and having your code-signing certificates revoked. It might also expose you to legal action by Apple 
that could result in significant legal costs and court judgements against you."

That doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I'll stand by my statement that you have to use a Mac to build the 
Quartz backends for Harfbuzz, Cairo, Pango, and Gtk.

John Ralls

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