Edition 15 Status Update

Good morning team!

We are just over a week away from publishing, and here is a quick status update:

* 5 of 7 articles are uploaded.
* 1 article is edited (Stormy's interview with Laszlo - thanks Stef!) (This article needs to be formatted for Textpattern)
* 1 article (Hamster overview) is formatted for Textpattern (Thanks Les) (This article needs to be edited)
* I have put in a first draft of an excerpt and author overview for all articles
* 2 articles are overdue (Seed & GNOME-Do).  I am hopeful for tomorrow, and have committed to editing them personally.  Jorge will be buying me a beer at GUADEC.

My goal is to work with Jim this week to get all articles edited no later than Sunday, including a first pass at formatting.  From there, we have Monday and Tuesday to review the final draft, and make sure formatting is complete.  (Last time, I didn't leave time for this, and I had to cram for a few hours after publishing to fix).

If anyone wants to help, let me know, and thank you again to all of our authors. 


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