[xslt] Moving to time based releases

    Hi everbody,

  It's both too easy to let things slip and very painful to procrastinate,
so to limit both and try to make the audience happier, I have decided to
switch libxml2 and libxslt to time based releases. At the tune of 2 releases
per year, considering the stability of the code I think it's reasonable.
For simplicity I will release both on the same day.

  So what does that mean ?

- that libxml2-2.9.4 should be out on May 20
- that libxslt-1.1.29 should be out on May 20
- that there should be a release candidate 1 around May 1st for both of
  them then an RC2 around the 10th May and a push on the 20
- that if you have a patch posted to either list or bugzilla which wasn't
  commented on or applied, it's fine and recommended to pester me with
  a private email (might be good to rebase in case that's a really old one)
- if we are getting close to May 1st and your patch isn't in, raise the
  point here, me and Nick Wellnhofer on the XSLT side will make sure they
  go in.
- if after May 1st there hasn't been an RC1 people should complain here
  in case I forgot my promise (and same for RC2 and final)
- and around Nov 1st watch for another cycle

 I really hope this works, that's what I did for my other project (libvirt
but with a 1 month cadence) and this really improves everybody's life!

 So send those requests (Patrick Monnerat and Alex Henrie, no need to send
 again now) for patch needing processing,



Daniel Veillard      | Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/

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