Re: [xslt] [PATCH] Various "make distcheck" and other fixes

On Thu, 9 Aug 2012, Daniel Veillard wrote:

  thanks a lot, that kind of cleanup is something I'm really
not good at, very apreciated !

  that's off you chest too now :-)

Oof, yes, that feels good!

When you have some time, tests/REC/ and tests/general/ need attention, as diff is showing some inconsistencies with reference output:

make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/libxslt-build/tests/REC'
## Running REC tests
test-7.1.1-3 result
2c2 < <out>SUCCESS</out> --- > <out xmlns:doc="";>SUCCESS</out>
## Running REC tests without dictionaries
test-7.1.1-3 result
2c2 < <out>SUCCESS</out> --- > <out xmlns:doc="";>SUCCESS</out>
make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/libxslt-build/tests/REC'
make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/libxslt-build/tests/general'
## Running general tests
bug-165 result
0a1,4 > runtime error: file ./bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of > Variable 'pStyle' has not been declared. > runtime error: file ./bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of > XPath evaluation returned no result.
## Running general tests without dictionaries
bug-165 result
0a1,4 > runtime error: file ./bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of > Variable 'pStyle' has not been declared. > runtime error: file ./bug-165.xsl line 6 element value-of > XPath evaluation returned no result.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/libxslt-build/tests/general'

At some point, I may submit a patch to fix how diff is used in general. On a few Unix systems, "make" invokes shell commands with "/bin/sh -ec", which is good in some ways (test failures are actually showstoppers), and bad in others (inconsistent with GNU Make, above diffs would become showstoppers).

But for now, I have one more follow-up patch for libxml2, which I'll send in shortly. Looking forward to the next stable release of these libraries!


Daniel Richard G. || danielg teragram com || Software Developer
Teragram Linguistic Technologies (a division of SAS)

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