[xslt] Nick's patch for bug 602515

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Nick Wellnhofer <wellnhofer aevum de> wrote:
> I put a git repository with my recent patches on github:
> http://github.com/nwellnhof/libxslt
> It contains two bug fixes that I already sent to the mailing list. Then two
> fixes for bugs 602515 and 602531, some small fixes to the locale code and
> some test cases.

I reported bug 602515; Nick's fix worked so I figured it was solved, but
recently I compiled libxslt on a new box and noticed these fixes have not
been included.

Just to be clear, is git://git.gnome.org/libxslt the "official" source
for libxslt?
The webpage (xmlsoft.org/XSLT) is somewhat unclear about that: it links
to an SVN repository that appears not to have been updated for
nearly 2 years.

Assuming I have the right sources, is there any reason why Nick's fix has
not been included?


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