Re: [xslt] str:replace with empty replacement element crashes

  The source of libexslt is in a subdirectory of the libxslt
source.  I believe I fixed the problem - fixed source is in
SVN.  Let me know if there is any problem with the fix.


Ron Burk wrote:
> Crashed on both a Windows and Linux copy of xsltproc.
> Putting a call to string() around the final argument of
> str:replace() creates correct behavior, so I assume the
> bug is in str:replace(). I couldn't seem to figure out where
> the source to libexslt actually resides, so this is as far
> as I got.
> =============================================
> Using libxml 20702, libxslt 10124 and libexslt 813
> xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20632, libxslt 10123 and libexslt
> 813
> libxslt 10124 was compiled against libxml 20701
> libexslt 813 was compiled against libxml 20701
> ==============================================
> The problem can be seen by applying the following stylesheet
> to any XML document:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <xsl:stylesheet
> xmlns:xsl="";
> xmlns:exsl="";
> xmlns:str="";
> extension-element-prefixes="exsl"
> version="1.1"
>  >
> <xsl:template match="/">
>      <xsl:variable name="Formal">
>          <param>$1</param>
>          <param>$2</param>
>          <param>$3</param>
>          <param>$4</param>
>      </xsl:variable>
>      <xsl:variable name="msg">
>          <Message>whatever</Message>
>          <Arg />
>      </xsl:variable>
>      <xsl:variable name="Format">'$1' should not have more than $2
> '$3'
> children; it has $4</xsl:variable>
>      <xsl:value-of
> select="str:replace($Format,exsl:node-set($Formal)/param,exsl:node-set($msg)/Message/Arg)"/>
> </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>

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