Re: [xslt] Seg fault on something to do with predicates, maybe

On Sat, Oct 25 2008 16:14:30 +0100, mark cyberporte com wrote:
> The smallest stylesheet with which I can generate this error is
>      <xsl2:value-of
> select="concat('anon_param__',generate-id($nodes[1]),',',xcaf:map_end_test($nodes[position 
> = 1]))"/>
> I get a seg fault. If I add empty parentheses to position() four lines
> from the bottom of the stylesheet I don't. The parentheses should
> obviously be there, but the incorrect version looks like a valid xpath
> to me.

It is, but lacking a <position> child of anything in $nodes, you are
passing an empty node-set to xcaf:map_end_test().  Presumably that's
where it blows up.



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