Re: [xslt] xpath queries from shell revisted

On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 01:52:27PM -0500, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> $ rpm -qf /usr/bin/xpath
> perl-XML-XPath-1.13-8mdv2008.0
> It's by Matt Sargeant, and you could do
> $ perldoc XML::XPath
> (after installing perl-doc if needed)
> to learn more.

  I remember an old issue which we discussed a few years
ago about XML::XPath, it was not conformant because it
accepted //foo to list nodes in the default namespace.
I don't know if they fixed it since, but if not, /usr/bin/xpath
is not a correct XPath processor. I hope this was fixed though,


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