Hey all:We recently upgraded from 2.6.30 to 2.6.32, and the error message when error-element-prefixes is missing changed. However, the old message seems better, and the second seems to indicate that the func:function node is being processed, even though it shouldn't be declared as an extension element.
I believe this change occured from .30 to .31. Any extra information about this would be appreciated. Thanks! -Jake == Old Version == $ /xsltproc xsl-clean.xsl xsl-clean.xsl compilation error: file xsl-clean.xsl line 13 element param element param only allowed within a template, variable or param compilation error: file xsl-clean.xsl line 14 element param element param only allowed within a template, variable or param compilation error: file xsl-clean.xsl line 17 element for-each element for-each only allowed within a template, variable or param compilation error: file xsl-clean.xsl line 18 element value-of element value-of only allowed within a template, variable or param compilation error: file xsl-clean.xsl line 20 element if element if only allowed within a template, variable or param compilation error: file xsl-clean.xsl line 21 element text element text only allowed within a template, variable or param $ xsltproc --version Using libxml 20630, libxslt 10122 and libexslt 813 xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20630, libxslt 10122 and libexslt 813 libxslt 10122 was compiled against libxml 20630 libexslt 813 was compiled against libxml 20630 == New Version == $ xsltproc xsl-clean.xsl xsl-clean.xsl {http://vivisimo.com/exslt}pretty-name: called with too many arguments runtime error: file xsl-clean.xsl line 27 element value-of XPath evaluation returned no result. $ xsltproc --version Using libxml 20632, libxslt 10124 and libexslt 813 xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20632, libxslt 10124 and libexslt 813 libxslt 10124 was compiled against libxml 20632 libexslt 813 was compiled against libxml 20632
Description: application/xml