Re: [xslt] Problem - Nothing happens

On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 04:19:02PM +0100, Cornelia Unterzaucher wrote:
> Hi,
> I have problems using libxslt. My program is very simple, but it doesn't 
> work. the result file is the same as the input file.
>     params[nbparams] = NULL;
>      xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1);
>     xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 1;
>     xsltStylesheetPtr styleSheet = xsltParseStylesheetFile((const 
> xmlChar *) styleSheetName);
>     xmlDocPtr doc= xmlParseFile(docName);
>     xmlDocPtr result= xsltApplyStylesheet(styleSheet, doc, params);
>     xsltSaveResultToFilename("myResult.xml", result, styleSheet, 0);
>     //cleanup - free the memory
>     xsltFreeStylesheet(styleSheet);
>     xmlFreeDoc(gBSDTrans);
>     xmlFreeDoc(gBSDIn);
>     xsltCleanupGlobals();
>     xmlCleanupParser();
> Any ideas?

here are 4

  Writing code without checking return values is just useless.
  Check xsltproc with your input XML and XSLT
  Use a debugger
  Follow the guidelines for requesting help

Note that I still didn't got that magic cristall ball allowing to guess
other people problems, my time machine allowing to work 48 hours per day
is also apparently out of supply, what a shame !


Red Hat Virtualization group
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