Re: [xslt] how to avoid lots of xmlns:xi and still get a valid doc

On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 11:48:50AM +0200, Francesco Montorsi wrote:
> Hi all!
>     I have the following dummy problem: I need to <xi:include> lots of 
> files into my XML file (called manual.docbook); however each line 
> currently looks as
> <xi:include href="aboutdialoginfo.docbook" 
> xmlns:xi=""/>
> is there a way I can avoid the xmlns:xi attribute ?
> I have a big number of <xi:include> and it will be a lot of redundancy 
> if I must put the xmlns:xi attribute in each tag.
> I have tried to put the xmlns:xi attribute at the <book> root of my XMl 
> document element, but then xmllint complains it's not a valid attribute 
> for docbook DTD (which I'd really prefer not to hand-edit):
> book: validity error : No declaration for attribute xmlns:xi of element book
> I am using the following command line for validation:
> xmllint --xinclude --postvalid --noent --nonet --noout 
> docbook/manual.docbook
> Any hint?

  Update your DocBook DTD, this was supposed to be fixed there, by allowing
the namespace dclarations for XInclude on at least some elements.


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