Re: [xslt] isn't nonbreaking space in iso-8859-1 encoding?

On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 04:47:40PM -0800, Bob Stayton wrote:
> When I process a document with encoding iso-8859-1 that contains a 
> nonbreaking space   character to XML output in the same encoding, the 
> nonbreaking space character does not survive.  It comes out as Unicode 
> � the replacement character.  My reference says that   is a 
> native character for encoding iso-8859-1.   Is this a bug, or am I not 
> understanding something?

    is part of the iso-8859-1 range of characters, it's just not
output as a character reference, the caracter is there:

paphio:~/tmp -> xsltproc tst.xsl tst.xml > res
paphio:~/tmp -> od -c res
0000000   <   ?   x   m   l       v   e   r   s   i   o   n   =   "   1
0000020   .   0   "       e   n   c   o   d   i   n   g   =   "   i   s
0000040   o   -   8   8   5   9   -   1   "   ?   >  \n   <   p   >   n
0000060   o   n   b   r   e   a   k   i   n   g       s   p   a   c   e
0000100 240   a   n   d       m   o   r   e   .   <   /   p   >  \n
paphio:~/tmp -> 

(gdb) p /x 240
$1 = 0xf0



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