[xslt] Different behavior of Key() betwen versions 1.1.7 and 1.1.11 of libxslt

Hi !

I have correctly working stylesheets under version 1.1.7 of libxslt
that are broken since I upgraded to 1.1.11. The construct is of the

<xsl:key name="point" match="point" use="@label"/>

<xsl:template match="drawpoint">

<xsl:for-each select="str:split(@ref,' ')">
       <xsl:for-each select="key('point',.)">


and the xml to process contains elements such as

<point label="p1"/>
<point label="p2"/>


<drawpoints ref="p1 p2"/>

In the inner for-each loop I actually (with 1.1.11) get empty nodesets
returned by key('point',.), altough I got succesively the two <point/>
elements with 1.1.7.

Is it a known bug of 1.1.11 (I did not find it in the bug list).


-- e-mail : Stephane Mottelet utc fr www : http://www.dma.utc.fr/~mottelet

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