Re: [xslt] implementation of dyn:map

On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 12:12:43PM -0700, Mark Vakoc wrote:
> --- Daniel Veillard <veillard redhat com> wrote:
> > 
> >   okay, applied but not yet commited I need to fix a couple of warnings.
> > Is that the expectd result ?
> Yup, that looks correct.  That's not a real useful example but it that does
> appear to be the correct behavior (I don't think any other xslt processor
> implements it to compare it to).
> There was one thing in the exslt spec that I didn't implement.  It says that if
> the result of the dynamic expression results in a number that is +Inf/-Inf that
> it should instead return the largest/smallest number the xslt processor is
> capable of.  I just used xmlXPathCastNumberToString if I remember correctly.

  Well we can take additional patches, I commited this first one and added
the test to the regression suite, 

    thanks a lot !


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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