Re: [xslt] Segfault with CDATA

On Sun, Nov 23, 2003 at 12:18:30AM +0100, Laurent wrote:
> John Fleck wrote:
> >Sorry, but if I'm understanding this correctly (that is, that there is
> >no file named "aaa") then I can't duplicate this. Looking at the output
> >from "-V", however, it appears that you have mixed versions - you've got
> >libxml 20602 (the latest), but your libxslt is older and was compiled
> >against libxml 20511. Perhaps that might offer some clue as to the
> >problem?
> Yes ! Now I have :
> Using libxml 20602, libxslt 10100 and libexslt 800
> xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20602, libxslt 10100 and libexslt 800
> libxslt 10100 was compiled against libxml 20602
> libexslt 800 was compiled against libxml 20602
> ... and it works.
> The only problem is nearly everyone working on this has the odd 
> versions, as they are the default with a Debian Sid distribution.

Noted. I will try to make a new upload as soon as possible.


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