RE: [xslt] Link error if libxml2 is compiled without HTML support

Perfectionist?  Me?  Naaah.  I only expect *other* people's work to be
perfect ;-)  Isn't that the point of open source?  If I screw up in private,
no one may ever know; if I flub in public, I hear about it.'s no big deal for me to compile HTML support into libxml2.
That's what I'm doing, for now, and it can stay that way indefinitely as far
as I'm concerned.  I don't know enough to have an opinion as to 1) whether
this is a problem and 2) if so, what the correct solution might be.(I'm only
using libxslt indirectly, as part of xmlsec.)  While I love an opportunity
to express a point of view unencumbered by facts, I'll let this one pass.

Having noticed the issue, I just wanted to raise it, so wiser heads could
decide what, if anything, to do about it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Zlatkovic []
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 2:59 PM
To: ''
Subject: Re: [xslt] Link error if libxml2 is compiled without HTML

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Jesse Pelton wrote:
> Caveat: I may have messed something up, because I'm using our in-house
> system rather than the provided makefiles.
> I'm running Windows 2000. Here's the problem: if I build libxml2 without
> HTML support (cscript configure.js html=no), then build libxslt, then link
> program, I get four unresolved externals:
> - htmlDocContentDumpOutput, htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput, and
> htmlSetMetaEncoding referenced in xsltSaveResultTo
> - htmlNewDoc referenced in xsltDocumentElem
> I'm not sure whether this is intended (that is, libxslt requires HTML
> support in libxml2) or not. I *think* libxslt could be patched to respect
> LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED.  (It already respects LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED, though
> appears a little easier.)

  Hmm... fixing that probably means producing libxslt which cannot transform
to HTML if not compiled against a HTML-enabled libxml. Is that a solution?
The output="html" must then be unsupported for such versions.

> Also, "output" is misspelled as "ouput" in xsltutils.c and numbers.c.

 The man is a perfectionist, no doubt :-)

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