[xslt] Passing parameters within <xsl:apply-templates>

Hello, All!

I need to pass parameters within <xsl:apply-templates>. As far as
I understand, it's allowed by
and not deprecated by XSLT errata:

Attached test contains simple test for passing params but it not
works for me. 

test.xsl output "@dir" value only once, but I expect it twice,
second from template
<xsl:template match="graphic" mode="images">

Should I fill bugreport or this is my mistake ?

$ xmllint --version
xmllint: using libxml version 20509
   compiled with: FTP HTTP HTML C14N Catalog DocBook XPath
XPointer XInclude Iconv Unicode Regexps Automata Schemas 

$ xsltproc --version Using libxml 20509, libxslt 10032 and
libexslt 721 xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20509, libxslt
10032 and libexslt 721 libxslt 10032 was compiled against libxml
20509 libexslt 721 was compiled against libxml 20509

Regards, Vyt
mailto:  vyt@vzljot.ru
JID:     vyt@vzljot.ru


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