Re: [xslt] disable-output-escaping disfunctional

 > On Mon, Apr 21, 2003 at 02:51:20PM +0200, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
 > > I have tried the above with:
 > >
 > >    - disable-output-escaping="no"
 > [...]
 > > All of these prodoced the very same output, which I would like
 > to avoid.
 > > My question is how to come over this problem? The XSLT spec
 > says, then
 > > disable-output-escaping should work as I expect it...
 >  reread the spec ... disable-output-escaping="yes"

Please reread my letter Daniel. :) As I said, I expected "yes" to work 
the same way as the spec says. Then I tried "no" and many other options, 
but everything I have tried resulted in the very same thing, and none of 
them was what I wanted to achive.

I have seen a bugfix about this, but as I am using a way newer version 
of libxml/libxslt, I expected it to work...

BTW versions are (latest available for Windows):

C:\>xsltproc -V
Using libxml 20506, libxslt 10029 and libexslt 719
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20506, libxslt 10029 and libexslt 719
libxslt 10029 was compiled against libxml 20506
libexslt 719 was compiled against libxml 20506

And the sheet is using the html output method.


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