[xslt] disable-output-escaping disfunctional


I am using the latest libxml/libxslt dlls and binaries for Windows, 
having a very bad experience with disable-output-escaping.

I would like to use some xslt to generate PHP code, using template 
fragments, such as:

  <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">,
     'prev' =&lt; </xsl:text>

This used to generate:

  'prev' =>

But it does not generate that anymore. Its output is:

  'prev' =&lt;

I have tried the above with:

   - disable-output-escaping="no"
   - CDATA without any output-esc. spec.
   - CDATA with disable-output-esc
   - without any params
   - with > in the template, instead of &lt;

All of these prodoced the very same output, which I would like to avoid. 
My question is how to come over this problem? The XSLT spec says, then 
disable-output-escaping should work as I expect it...

Thanks for the answer,
Gabor Hojtsy [Goba]

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