Re: [xslt] Possible namespace-related bug in xsltproc

xsltproc is working like it is supposed to. The bug.svg file has a
default namespace but your stylesheet does not handle the default
replace lines:
<xsl:template match='svg'>
<xsl:template match='rect'>
<xsl:template match='s:svg'>
<xsl:template match='s:rect'>

to get the stylesheet to work on bug.svg

BTW, this is the type of question you should ask on the XSL-list. Daniel
states this on the libxslt webpages (

On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 06:18, wrote:
> [[ Moderator -- I posted this last night but it got queued. I've
> joined the list, so I'm reposting myself rather than waiting for
> it to go through your queue. I hope that is OK. ]]
> I've been tinkering with using xsltproc to apply XSL templates
> to modify SVG images produced by Sodipodi.
> I've been battling with behavior that I thought was due to
> mistakes made by me. Since that didn't lead to resolution,
> I entertained the possibility that xsltproc could have a
> problem.
> I've found that for an SVG document with a default namespace
> declaration in the root <svg> element, I have to run in --novalid
> mode, and I have to remove the xmlns="..." attribute from the
> root <svg> element to get even a simple XSL stylesheet to
> apply the way I think it should.
> I've distilled this down to a simple example, which I'll attach here.
> The tarball below contains a Makefile and a README that
> shows the output I get when running the Makefile. Also included
> is a simple SVG file with (bad.svg) and without (better.svg) the
> problem xmlns attribute. The same example.xsl file is used for
> all four tests (with and without --novalid for bad.svg and better.svg).
> Note that the example.xsl file contains xmlns attributes in its root
> element, as I've heard is required for proper execution of XSLT
> against XML with namespaces.
> Can any of you shed some light on this one for me? Does this
> fail with your setup, too? Have I committed any misdemeanors
> in the XSLT? Or, is there a namespace-related bug in xsltproc
> to which I'm falling victim?
> Regards,
> -- Gregor Purdy
Charles Bozeman <>

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