Re: [xslt] libxslt bug? stripping namespace prefix in element output.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 04:48:17PM -0800, Shawn O. McKenzie wrote:
> Howdee.
> I have been beating my head against a problem and am wondering if it is 
> a bug. I am having problems outputing elements in an html file that have 
> a different namespace prefix. Something like <MSHelp:Keyword Index="K" 
> Term="foo"/>
> I get an output of:
> <html>
> <whatever>one</whatever><whatever>two</whatever><whatever>three</whatever><whatever>four</whatever>
> </html>
> So, it seems to be stripping the foo: prefix off the foo:whatever 
> element. Does this using both xsltproc and Python. Seems to work fine on 
> Microsoft's processor and on Saxon.

   As pointed by the first thing to
do is to check with a recent version. Since you don't indicate it I'm 
pretty sure it's just that you're using an older one, this has been fixed
a few releases ago in libxml2. So upgrade !

paphio:~/tmp -> xsltproc tst.xsl tst.xml
<html xmlns:foo="";>
<foo:whatever xmlns:foo="";>one</foo:whatever><foo:whatever xmlns:foo="";>two</foo:whatever><foo:whatever xmlns:foo="";>three</foo:whatever><foo:whatever xmlns:foo="";>four</foo:whatever>
paphio:~/tmp ->

   But your report was useful anyway, as you can see there was a bug in the
namespace handling resulting in repeated xmlns:foo declarations. I fixed it
in CVS and added it to the regression tests:

paphio:~/tmp -> xsltproc tst.xsl tst.xml
<html xmlns:foo="";>
paphio:~/tmp ->

   This looks better,



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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