[xslt] tutorial compiling under FreeBSD troubles.

I already received not warm message about my problems, but one is
still unsolved.
Thanks to Mr. Veillard for his answer about using xslt-config, but why
this recommendation don't included into tutorial or FAQ???

And more, back to tutorial compilation trubles.
I use FreeBSD 4.5 and iconv version 1.8_1
All applications (up to Mozilla and so on) that depends to this library works OK.
But, when I try:
freebsd>gcc -o test.cgi libxslt_tutorial.c -I/usr/local/include
-L/usr/local/lib -lxslt -lxml2 -lm
I received:
/usr/local/lib/libiconv.so: undefined refernce to "nl_language"

Version gcc is 2.95.something

But all other applications work ok.

Any ideas?

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