[xslt] An URI, not a namespace

Hi there,

I believe the call to xmlHasNsProp in attributes.c has a small error. It
passes the pointer to the namespace as the third parameter, while the
function expects a namespace URI. Am I right, or am I wrong? :-)


RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libxslt/libxslt/attributes.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -c -r1.28 attributes.c
*** attributes.c        17 Oct 2002 13:27:57 -0000      1.28
--- attributes.c        20 Oct 2002 13:04:15 -0000
*** 617,623 ****
          URL = ns->href;

      if (fromset) {
!       attr = xmlHasNsProp(ctxt->insert, name, ns);
        if (attr != NULL)
--- 617,623 ----
          URL = ns->href;

      if (fromset) {
!       attr = xmlHasNsProp(ctxt->insert, name, ns->href);
        if (attr != NULL)

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