[xslt] libxml2, libxslt as OS X Frameworks

For some time now I've been able to build libxml2
and libxslt on MacOSX.  Works great!  However, the
time has come to package up my application for
distribution to the great unwashed.

Now, on my development m/c I just install in
/usr/local and link to the libraries there.
That's fine, but it requires that one has admin
privileges and so the full-blown OSX installer must
be used.

In accordance with the Apple recommendations,
I'd like to set things up so that the user simply
copies the application into place.  However, the
app must search for its libraries in this case.
After some reading it would appear that Frameworks
are the answer (or Bundles?).

I've started work on (a) figuring out how Frameworks
work and (b) setting up ProjectBuilder for libxml2
to produce a libxml2.framework and libxslt.framework.

My question is, has someone already done this?
Alternatively, is there someone more knowledgable
than I on this topic that may assist (or do it)?

Steve Ball

Steve Ball            |   XSLT Standard Library   | Training & Seminars
Zveno Pty Ltd         |     Web Tcl Complete      |   XML XSL Schemas
http://www.zveno.com/ |      TclXML TclDOM        | Tcl, Web Development
Steve.Ball@zveno.com  +---------------------------+---------------------
Ph. +61 2 6242 4099   |   Mobile (0413) 594 462   | Fax +61 2 6242 4099

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