Re: [xslt] [BUG] Win32, xsltproc, libxml, libxslt, <xsl:include/>

On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 05:24:50PM +0200, Igor  Zlatkovic wrote:
> Hello,
> The describe problem is an error in the libxslt code and affects all
> platforms.
> * The xsltParseStylesheetInclude function calls
> xsltParseStylesheetProcess and gives it the pointer to the stylesheet.
> * xsltParseStylesheetProcess fails and frees the memory associated with
> the pointer it received as a parameter. 
> * xsltParseStylesheetInclude happily continues using the now invalid
> pointer, and has no way of informing its caller that the stylesheet
> memory has been freed.
> The patch further below solves the problem by putting the memory release
> burden on the back of whoever calls xsltParseStylesheetProcess. I am not
> sure if that is the right way, therefore I shall not apply this patch to
> the source until Daniel returns and confirms it. I shall however have
> the patched binaries for Windows online later today.

  Argh ... this would be an API change, let's keep this open
but I don't think  changing who must free the original document is
right, we need to find another way I'm afraid,


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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