[xslt] Fixes for EXSLT date

Hear are some fixes for the date module of libexslt.
fixed calculation of day-in-week for negative years
now parses and displays subseconds
fixed bug where 29-Feb was accepted in non-leap years
fixed calculation of time-zone offset when GMT has rolled over to next

Also created a test suite for date.

Charlie B.
Index: date.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libxslt/libexslt/date.c,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -r1.8 date.c
*** date.c	2002/01/17 09:43:35	1.8
--- date.c	2002/03/03 18:37:11
*** 100,116 ****
  #define VALID_DAY(day)          ((day >= 1) && (day <= 31))
  #define VALID_HOUR(hr)          ((hr >= 0) && (hr <= 23))
  #define VALID_MIN(min)          ((min >= 0) && (min <= 59))
! #define VALID_SEC(sec)          ((sec >= 0) && (sec <= 59))
  #define VALID_TZO(tzo)          ((tzo > -1440) && (tzo < 1440))
  #define IS_LEAP(y)						\
  	(((y % 4 == 0) && (y % 100 != 0)) || (y % 400 == 0))
  static const int daysInMonth[12] =
  	{ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
  #define VALID_MDAY(dt)						\
! 	(((dt->mon == 2) && !IS_LEAP(dt->year) && (dt->day <= 28)) ||\
! 	 (dt->day <= daysInMonth[dt->mon - 1]))
  #define VALID_DATE(dt)						\
  	(VALID_YEAR(dt->year) && VALID_MONTH(dt->mon) && VALID_MDAY(dt))
--- 100,119 ----
  #define VALID_DAY(day)          ((day >= 1) && (day <= 31))
  #define VALID_HOUR(hr)          ((hr >= 0) && (hr <= 23))
  #define VALID_MIN(min)          ((min >= 0) && (min <= 59))
! #define VALID_SEC(sec)          ((sec >= 0) && (sec < 60))
  #define VALID_TZO(tzo)          ((tzo > -1440) && (tzo < 1440))
  #define IS_LEAP(y)						\
  	(((y % 4 == 0) && (y % 100 != 0)) || (y % 400 == 0))
  static const int daysInMonth[12] =
+ 	{ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
+ static const int daysInMonthLeap[12] =
  	{ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
  #define VALID_MDAY(dt)						\
! 	(IS_LEAP(dt->year) ?					\
! 	           (dt->day <= daysInMonthLeap[dt->mon - 1]) :	\
! 	           (dt->day <= daysInMonth[dt->mon - 1]))
  #define VALID_DATE(dt)						\
  	(VALID_YEAR(dt->year) && VALID_MONTH(dt->mon) && VALID_MDAY(dt))
*** 133,141 ****
                  dayInLeapYearByMonth[month - 1] :		\
                  dayInYearByMonth[month - 1]) + day)
- #define DAY_IN_WEEK(yday, yr)					\
- 	(((yr-1)+((yr-1)/4)-((yr-1)/100)+((yr-1)/400)+yday) % 7)
   * _exsltDateParseGYear:
   * @dt:  pointer to a date structure
--- 136,141 ----
*** 272,282 ****
  #define PARSE_FLOAT(num, cur, invalid)				\
  	PARSE_2_DIGITS(num, cur, invalid);			\
  	if (!invalid && (*cur == '.')) {			\
  	    cur++;						\
  	    if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9'))			\
  		invalid = 1;					\
! 	    while ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9')) {		\
! 		static double mult = 1;				\
  		mult /= 10;					\
  		num += (*cur - '0') * mult;			\
  		cur++;						\
--- 272,282 ----
  #define PARSE_FLOAT(num, cur, invalid)				\
  	PARSE_2_DIGITS(num, cur, invalid);			\
  	if (!invalid && (*cur == '.')) {			\
+ 	    double mult = 1;				        \
  	    cur++;						\
  	    if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9'))			\
  		invalid = 1;					\
! 	    while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {		\
  		mult /= 10;					\
  		num += (*cur - '0') * mult;			\
  		cur++;						\
*** 294,301 ****
  #define FORMAT_FLOAT(num, cur)					\
  	{							\
! 	    int tmp = (int) num;				\
! 	    FORMAT_2_DIGITS(tmp, cur);				\
--- 294,307 ----
  #define FORMAT_FLOAT(num, cur)					\
  	{							\
!             xmlChar *sav, *str;                                 \
!             if (num < 10.0)                                     \
!                 *cur++ = '0';                                   \
!             str = xmlXPathCastNumberToString(num);              \
!             sav = str;                                          \
!             while (*str != 0)                                   \
!                 *cur++ = *str++;                                \
!             xmlFree(sav);                                       \
*** 596,602 ****
      ret = (exsltDatePtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(exsltDate));
      if (ret == NULL) {
! 			 "exsltDateNewDate: out of memory\n");
  	return (NULL);
      memset (ret, 0, sizeof(exsltDate));
--- 602,608 ----
      ret = (exsltDatePtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(exsltDate));
      if (ret == NULL) {
! 			 "exsltDateCreateDate: out of memory\n");
  	return (NULL);
      memset (ret, 0, sizeof(exsltDate));
*** 654,662 ****
      /* determine the time zone offset from local to gm time */
      gmTm         = gmtime(&secs);
      ret->tz_flag = 0;
!     ret->tzo     = -(((ret->day - gmTm->tm_mday) * 1440) +
!                      ((ret->hour - gmTm->tm_hour) * 60) +
!                      (ret->min - gmTm->tm_min));
      return ret;
--- 660,668 ----
      /* determine the time zone offset from local to gm time */
      gmTm         = gmtime(&secs);
      ret->tz_flag = 0;
!     ret->tzo     = (((ret->day * 1440) + (ret->hour * 60) + ret->min) -
!                     ((gmTm->tm_mday * 1440) + (gmTm->tm_hour * 60) +
!                       gmTm->tm_min));
      return ret;
*** 1229,1234 ****
--- 1235,1268 ----
+  * _exsltDayInWeek:
+  * @yday: year day (1-366)
+  * @yr: year
+  *
+  * Determine the day-in-week from @yday and @yr. 0001-01-01 was
+  * a Monday so all other days are calculated from there. Take the 
+  * number of years since (or before) add the number of leap years and
+  * the day-in-year and mod by 7. This is a function  because negative
+  * years must be handled a little differently and there is no zero year.
+  *
+  * Returns day in week (Sunday = 0)
+  */
+ static int
+ _exsltDateDayInWeek(int yday, long yr)
+ {
+     int ret;
+     if (yr < 0) {
+         ret = ((yr + (((yr+1)/4)-((yr+1)/100)+((yr+1)/400)) + yday) % 7);
+         if (ret < 0) 
+             ret += 7;
+     } else
+         ret = (((yr-1) + (((yr-1)/4)-((yr-1)/100)+((yr-1)/400)) + yday) % 7);
+     return ret;
+ }
+ /**
   * exsltDateWeekInYear:
   * @dateTime: a date/time string
*** 1271,1278 ****
      fdiy = DAY_IN_YEAR(1, 1, dt->year);
!     /* 0=Mon, 1=Tue, etc. */
!     fdiw = (DAY_IN_WEEK(fdiy, dt->year) + 6) % 7;
      ret = DAY_IN_YEAR(dt->day, dt->mon, dt->year) / 7;
--- 1305,1316 ----
      fdiy = DAY_IN_YEAR(1, 1, dt->year);
!     /*
!      * Determine day-in-week (0=Sun, 1=Mon, etc.) then adjust so Monday
!      * is the first day-in-week
!      */
!     fdiw = (_exsltDateDayInWeek(fdiy, dt->year) + 6) % 7;
      ret = DAY_IN_YEAR(dt->day, dt->mon, dt->year) / 7;
*** 1328,1338 ****
      fdiy = DAY_IN_YEAR(1, dt->mon, dt->year);
!     /* 0=Mon, 1=Tue, etc. */
!     fdiw = DAY_IN_WEEK(fdiy, dt->year);
!     /* adjust the fdiw value so that Sunday is last-day-in-week */
!     fdiw = (fdiw != 0 ? (fdiw - 1) : 6);
      ret = ((dt->day + fdiw) / 7) + 1;
--- 1366,1376 ----
      fdiy = DAY_IN_YEAR(1, dt->mon, dt->year);
!     /*
!      * Determine day-in-week (0=Sun, 1=Mon, etc.) then adjust so Monday
!      * is the first day-in-week
!      */
!     fdiw = (_exsltDateDayInWeek(fdiy, dt->year) + 6) % 7;
      ret = ((dt->day + fdiw) / 7) + 1;
*** 1526,1532 ****
      diy = DAY_IN_YEAR(dt->day, dt->mon, dt->year);
!     ret = (double) DAY_IN_WEEK(diy, dt->year) + 1;
--- 1564,1571 ----
      diy = DAY_IN_YEAR(dt->day, dt->mon, dt->year);
!     ret = (double) _exsltDateDayInWeek(diy, dt->year) + 1;


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