Re: [xslt] XSLT transformation to Plain Text using Python bindingsrequires using children().serialize()?

On Fri, 2002-08-23 at 22:21, Craeg K Strong wrote:
> Hello:
> Thanks for the explanation, it is very helpful.
> I rewrote my example as per instructions and it works fine.
> However, I still have a question, if you'll indulge me....:-)
> Because I am writing a pure service, it would be nice to never
> write anything out to disk.  Is there a "file-like object" somewhere
> that you have written or can recommend for use in lieu of
> an actual file?
> The contract my server must fulfill is that it must return the
> transformed contents as a string.  I saveResultToFilename()
> only to immediately read it back in.  Of course, this is just a
> small nit, but it is the reason I went off the rails instead of
> following the documentation (which I did read, honest :)

You can use instead xsltSaveResultToFile, using "stdout", to whit:

   xsltSaveResultToFile(stdout, final_doc, stylesheet);

John Fleck (h) (w)

"Sometimes, a diner is all about the mac and cheese." 
  - Zippy the Pinhead

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