Re: [xslt] xsltproc incompatibility

On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 23:32, Moultrie, Ferrell (ISSAtlanta) wrote:
> Hi:
>   I've got a rather simple stylesheet that works properly with MSXSL
> (Microsoft's XSLT stand-alone processor) or the Xerces-Xalan stand-along
> xalantransform program. Unfortunately, when I run it through xsltproc
> from libxml/libxslt (July 6th, 2002 build), it simply copies input to
> output w/o changing anything. I'm attaching the stylesheet and the test
> input file to this e-mail. Also, I'm including the output from the Xalan
> xslt for reference. Any help in figuring out what the incompatibility is
> between your xslt and the MS/Xalan processors would be greatly
> appreciated. 
> Thanks!

A minimal test case that captures the behavior might make it easier to
figure out what's going on here.

John Fleck (h) (w)

"Sometimes, a diner is all about the mac and cheese." 
  - Zippy the Pinhead

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