Re: [xslt] residual memory use after xslt used

Have you tried xsltCleanupGlobals() ?


Moultrie, Ferrell (ISSAtlanta) wrote:

>  xsltInit() allocates some memory through xsltRegisterAllExtras that
>never seems to get released. While this appears to be a one-time "leak"
>(i.e., only allocated once regardless of how many xslt calls are made),
>having that memory left over complicates my leak detection for other
>parts of the program. Is there a function anywhere to clean up this
>memory and restore the xslt processor to an uninitialized state (i.e., I
>think I'm looking for an "xsltTerminate()" type function. Thanks for any
>Ferrell Moultrie (
>Software Engineer
>Internet Security Systems, Inc.
>6303 Barfield Road
>Atlanta, Georgia 30328
>Phone:  404-236-2600
>Direct: 404-236-2849
>Fax:    404-236-2632
>Internet Security Systems -- The Power to Protect
>xslt mailing list, project page

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