Re: [xslt] xsltconfig.h - outdated

Hi Igor,

> I am not aware of any version information stored in that file. I assume
> you mean the subject, xsltconfig.h that is. Xsltconfig.h is not outdated

sure you are right :-(  my concentration is sometimes lost...

> and it cannot be outdated, because this file is being generated
> automatically as a part of the source configuration process. Ideally,
> this file should not be a part of the source tarball at all, but there
> are few strange platforms out there which lack the configuration stage
> :-) :-)

I understand, but is there a reason for having '1.0.10' in it ? or is it
just unupdated ?
This question applies similarly to xsltwin32config.h...
As I understand it, those platforms will contain confused version info,
because they are unable to generate these files before compilation.

> Uh. That depends on what you use to compile libxslt :-) The absolute
> authority for the version information is the file. That

In fact I need this to automate the process of releasing the libxml2-pas and
libxslt-pas packages, which are Pascal bindings for respective libraries.
Using one of the translated header files as a source of version info would
be very elegant, but I think it will not be a problem to involve the file.


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