Re: [xslt] python xslt messages

On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 03:41:51PM -0400, Sam Brauer wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> I experimented with this, but its behavior seems a little weird (to me 
> anyway).  I'm including a short example script that uses 
> libxml2.registerErrorHandler.  If I run it in a case where either the 
> stylesheet or document file is missing (which is the case tested by 
> that comes with the package), then it works great.
> It also works great if both files exist but one is not well-formed.
> But consider these cases:
> Case 1. The stylesheet is well-formed, but contains an invalid xsl tag, 
> such as <xsl:foo/>
> stderr:
> compilation error: file test.xsl element foo
> xsltStylePreCompute: unknown xsl:foo
> compilation error: file test.xsl element foo
> xsltParseStylesheetTop: ignoring unknown foo element
> error handler:
> None   (error handler wasn't called)
> Case 2. The stylesheet is well-formed, but refers to an undeclared 
> variable.
> stderr:
> runtime error: file test.xsl element for-each
> unregistered variable foo
> error handler:
> xmlXPathCompiledEval: evaluation failed
> In both of these cases, messages are going to stderr that I would like to 
> be able to collect with a callback.  Does the API currently provide some 
> way to do this?

  I can't analyze this at the moment, could you please log it in bugzilla
so I don't forget about it ?



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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