Re: [xslt] libbreakpoint <-> libxslt :(

On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 12:51:22PM +0300, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
> Hello, xslt! How are you?
>   Here is one special platform (mipsel-linux with SNOW ABI), which
>   compiles shared libraries as fully-linked binaries (it likes old
>   ages of Linux).
>   So, there SHOULD NOT be circular dependences in libraries for this
>   platform.
>   And libxslt package now HAVE such dependence. I could not link
>   libbreakpoint, because linker complain about unresolved externals
>   (from libxslt) and vice versa.
>   I know, I could configure libxslt without debugger. But it is ugly
>   hack :(

  Hum, okay this a problem I agree.
The only Undefined references from libxsltbreakpoint are related to 
the use of 

 to provide errors when one of the functions used has not been overriden
cleanly by the debugger framework. Using instead the libxml2 facility

for those would allow to keep the strict dependancy

  xml2 -> libxsltbreakpoint -> libxslt ( -> libexslt )

  Keith do you see a problem doing this ? If not this seems the simplest
way to fix this problem without having to add a registration function
for the libxsltbreakpoint error callbacks.

Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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