Re: [xslt] output document difference

On Sat, Jun 16, 2001 at 01:24:48PM -0400, Liam Quin wrote:
> Now, I am not sure which is "correct" here, so my question is what is
> the intended behaviour?

  Well none is "correct", all are extensions. That said the most normative part
one can found is the XSLT-1.1 draft from december. It's deprecated but

When the href attribute of a subsidiary document is an absolute URI, then
that absolute URI serves as the output URI. When the href attribute of a
subsidiary document is a relative URI, the relative URI is resolved into
an absolute URI only if and when the subsidiary document is output. The
output URI of the document with which the subsidiary document is
associated (ie the output URI of its parent in the tree of documents)
is used as the base URI. The resulting absolute URI is used as the output
URI of the subsidiary document.

  So it seems both XT and xsltproc are wrong.
  Basically one can output the associate documents only when the
"main" document result is saved. This of course makes impossible to save 
"as soon as possible" the extra output documents, unless the serialization
target has been specified when transforming the document (and hence don't
fit well with libxslt current API). Moreover implementing it would force
the set of xsltSaveResultToxxx() functions to take the transformation
context as a parameter (where the other results would be saved), and 
forces API to save to filedescriptors, or FILE * to save those to
relative paths from the current directory (if this exists ? what happens
when saving to a memory location ?).

  IMHO this part is not clean, and will be hard to clean-up,
serialization is not mandatory anyway to be compliant ... 


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine
Sep 17-18 2001 Brussels Red Hat TechWorld

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