[xslt] Functions for fetching file list


I need during processing an XML document with an XSLT sheet to gather a list of all the files that were needed in the process. 

If you use xsltproc like this

xsltproc -v test.xsl welcome.xml

in the output you get the following lines

parsed 3 templates
Initializing keys on welcome.xml
Registering global variables
Registering global variables from test.xsl
Registering global variables from theme.xsl

Which are the three files used. xsltproc uses xsltSetGenericDebugFunc(stderr, NULL); to pipe that info to stderr. 

I would like however, to get this information more directly. What is the best way of doing this?

void xsltSetGenericDebugFunc (void *ctx, xmlGenericErrorFunc handler) could be used to set a handler function that can grab the info as the debug produces it. Is this the best way? Are there any internal variables I could probe? Or wrappers that I could install?

Any help would be much appreciated.



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