[xslt] libxslt-0.14.0 (pre-1.0) segfaults

Hello Daniel and others,

Browsing the list archives I noticed that you are planning to release
a 1.0 release of libxslt. Very nice, thank you very much.

However, when I downloaded the libxslt-0.14.0 (pre-1.0) rpm package
and tested it with my stylesheet, I still got the same old
segmentation fault error which I mailed about a month or two ago.

Could you please give my stylesheet (see below) a go and see what
happens. Ofcourse, it could be some bizarre installation problem with
my system.


[ttepet@tte1100 /tmp]$ xsltproc -V
Using libxml 20314 and libxslt 1400
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20314 and libxslt 1400
libxslt 1400 was compiled against libxml 20314
[ttepet@tte1100 /tmp]$ cat foo.xsl
<?xml version="1.0" ?> 

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"

<xsl:variable name="a">
   <xsl:variable name="b" select="'Hello'"/>
   <xsl:value-of select="$b"/>

[ttepet@tte1100 /tmp]$ xsltproc -v foo.xsl  foo.xsl
xsltParseStylesheetFile : parse foo.xsl
Added namespace: xsl mapped to http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform
xsltPrecomputeStylesheet: removing ignorable blank node
xsltParseStylesheetProcess : found stylesheet
Registering global variable a
Defining global variable a
parsed 0 templates
Initializing keys on foo.xsl
Registering global variables
Registering global variables from foo.xsl
Evaluating global variable a
Registering variable b
Building variable b select 'Hello'
Evaluating variable b
Object is a string : Hello
xsltValueOf: select $b
Lookup variable b
global variable not found b
unregistered variable b
Lookup variable b
global variable not found b
unregistered variable b
xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed
xsltValueOf: text copy failed
Object is an XSLT value tree :
1  Node is NULL !
Registered 0 modules
xsltProcessOneNode: no template found for /
xsltProcessOneNode: no template found for stylesheet
xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: copy text 

xsltProcessOneNode: no template found for variable
xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: copy text 
xsltProcessOneNode: no template found for variable
xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: copy text 
xsltProcessOneNode: no template found for value-of
xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: copy text 

xsltDefaultProcessOneNode: copy text 

Segmentation fault
[ttepet@tte1100 /tmp]$ 

Have a nice day,

Teppo Peltonen tpeltone@cc.hut.fi http://www.hut.fi/u/tpeltone/

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