It looks like I had a stale makefile in my tree from the previous release.
DOCBparser was removed. Sorry for the false alarm… From: xml <xml-bounces gnome org>
On Behalf Of Floodeenjr, Thomas Hello, I am upgrading from
libxml2-2.9.14 to libxml2-2.10.1 on Windows/ MSVC 2019. I am now getting build errors. (Previous version built fine.) What would cause these errors?
Thanks, -Tom XML processor configuration --------------------------- Trio: no Thread safety: native FTP client: no HTTP client: yes HTML processor: yes C14N support: yes Catalog support: yes XPath support: yes XPointer support: yes XPointer locs: no XInclude support: yes iconv support: no icu support: no iso8859x support: no zlib support: yes lzma support: no Debugging module: yes Memory debugging: no Runtime debugging: no Regexp support: yes Module support: yes Tree support: yes Reader support: yes Writer support: yes Walker support: yes Pattern support: yes Push support: yes Validation support: yes SAX1 support: yes Legacy support: yes Output support: yes XML Schema support: yes Schematron support: yes Python bindings: no Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30145.0 if not exist bin.msvc mkdir bin.msvc if not exist int.msvc mkdir int.msvc cl.exe /EP /nologo /I..\include /D "NOLIBTOOL" /D "_REENTRANT" libxml2.def.src > int.msvc\libxml2.def libxml2.def.src rc -Fo int.msvc\libxml2.res libxml2.rc Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 10.0.10011.16384 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. cl.exe /nologo /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "NOLIBTOOL" /W3 /wd4244 /wd4267 /MD /I.. /I..\include /IC:\MGCNoScan\Kraken\infra_oss\infra_oss\install\include
/D "_REENTRANT" /D "HAVE_WIN32_THREADS" /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D "NDEBUG" /O2 /Foint.msvc\ /c ..\buf.c ..\c14n.c ..\catalog.c ..\chvalid.c ..\debugXML.c ..\dict.c ..\encoding.c ..\entities.c ..\error.c ..\globals.c ..\hash.c
..\HTMLparser.c ..\HTMLtree.c ..\legacy.c ..\list.c ..\nanoftp.c ..\nanohttp.c ..\parser.c ..\parserInternals.c ..\pattern.c ..\relaxng.c ..\SAX2.c ..\SAX.c ..\schematron.c ..\threads.c ..\tree.c ..\uri.c ..\valid.c ..\xinclude.c ..\xlink.c ..\xmlIO.c ..\xmlmemory.c
..\xmlreader.c ..\xmlregexp.c ..\xmlmodule.c ..\xmlsave.c ..\xmlschemas.c ..\xmlschemastypes.c ..\xmlunicode.c ..\xmlwriter.c ..\xpath.c ..\xpointer.c ..\xmlstring.c
buf.c c14n.c catalog.c chvalid.c debugXML.c dict.c encoding.c entities.c error.c ..\catalog.c(977): warning C4013: 'open' undefined; assuming extern returning int ..\catalog.c(996): warning C4013: 'close' undefined; assuming extern returning int ..\catalog.c(1003): warning C4013: 'read' undefined; assuming extern returning int globals.c hash.c HTMLparser.c HTMLtree.c legacy.c list.c nanoftp.c nanohttp.c parser.c parserInternals.c pattern.c relaxng.c SAX2.c SAX.c schematron.c threads.c tree.c uri.c valid.c xinclude.c xlink.c xmlIO.c xmlmemory.c xmlreader.c xmlregexp.c xmlmodule.c xmlsave.c xmlschemas.c xmlschemastypes.c ..\nanohttp.c(1639): warning C4013: 'open' undefined; assuming extern returning int ..\nanohttp.c(1652): warning C4013: 'write' undefined; assuming extern returning int ..\nanohttp.c(1658): warning C4013: 'close' undefined; assuming extern returning int xmlunicode.c xmlwriter.c xpath.c xpointer.c xmlstring.c link.exe /nologo /VERSION:2.10 /LIBPATH:bin.msvc /LIBPATH:C:\MGCNoScan\Kraken\infra_oss\infra_oss\install\lib /DLL /IMPLIB:bin.msvc\libxml2.lib
/OUT:bin.msvc\libxml2.dll int.msvc\buf.obj int.msvc\c14n.obj int.msvc\catalog.obj int.msvc\chvalid.obj int.msvc\debugXML.obj int.msvc\dict.obj int.msvc\DOCBparser.obj int.msvc\encoding.obj int.msvc\entities.obj int.msvc\error.obj int.msvc\globals.obj int.msvc\hash.obj
int.msvc\HTMLparser.obj int.msvc\HTMLtree.obj int.msvc\legacy.obj int.msvc\list.obj int.msvc\nanoftp.obj int.msvc\nanohttp.obj int.msvc\parser.obj int.msvc\parserInternals.obj int.msvc\pattern.obj int.msvc\relaxng.obj int.msvc\SAX2.obj int.msvc\SAX.obj int.msvc\schematron.obj
int.msvc\threads.obj int.msvc\tree.obj int.msvc\uri.obj int.msvc\valid.obj int.msvc\xinclude.obj int.msvc\xlink.obj int.msvc\xmlIO.obj int.msvc\xmlmemory.obj int.msvc\xmlreader.obj int.msvc\xmlregexp.obj int.msvc\xmlmodule.obj int.msvc\xmlsave.obj int.msvc\xmlschemas.obj
int.msvc\xmlschemastypes.obj int.msvc\xmlunicode.obj int.msvc\xmlwriter.obj int.msvc\xpath.obj int.msvc\xpointer.obj int.msvc\xmlstring.obj int.msvc\libxml2.res wsock32.lib ws2_32.lib zlib.lib kernel32.lib LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'int.msvc\DOCBparser.obj' NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\bin\HostX64\x64\link.exe"' : return
code '0x49d' Stop. |