[xml] AIX - make check results for libxml2-2.9.7

Never run before - so no idea on what this all means..., but thought you may like to know.

root@x064:[/data/prj/aixtools/libxml2-2.9.7]make check
        make  all-recursive
Making all in include
Making all in libxml
Target "all" is up to date.
Target "all-am" is up to date.
Target "all" is up to date.
Making all in .
Target "all-am" is up to date.
Making all in doc
Making all in .
Target "all-am" is up to date.
Making all in devhelp
Target "all" is up to date.
Making all in examples
Target "all" is up to date.
Target "all" is up to date.
Making all in example
Target "all" is up to date.
Making all in xstc
Target "all" is up to date.
  CC       runtest.o
  CCLD     runtest
  CC       testrecurse.o
  CCLD     testrecurse
  CC       testapi.o
  CCLD     testapi
  CC       testchar.o
  CCLD     testchar
  CC       testdict.o
  CCLD     testdict
  CC       runxmlconf.o
  CCLD     runxmlconf
        [ -d test   ] || ln -s ../src/libxml2-2.9.7/test   .
        [ -d result ] || ln -s ../src/libxml2-2.9.7/result .
         ./runtest &&   ./testrecurse && ASAN_OPTIONS="$ASAN_OPTIONS:detect_leaks=0"  ./testapi &&   ./testchar &&   ./testdict && ./runxmlconf
## XML regression tests
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML regression tests on memory
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML entity subst regression tests
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML Namespaces regression tests
## Error cases regression tests
## Error cases regression tests (old 1.0)
## Error cases stream regression tests
## Reader regression tests
Result for ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml failed in result/ebcdic_566012.xml.rdr
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## Reader entities substitution regression tests
Result for ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml failed in result/ebcdic_566012.xml.rde
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## Reader on memory regression tests
Result for ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml failed in result/ebcdic_566012.xml.rdr
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## Walker regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## SAX1 callbacks regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## SAX2 callbacks regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## SAX2 callbacks regression tests with entity substitution
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML push regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## HTML regression tests
## Push HTML regression tests
## HTML SAX regression tests
Got a difference for ./test/HTML/758606.html
File ./test/HTML/758606.html generated an error
Got a difference for ./test/HTML/758606_2.html
File ./test/HTML/758606_2.html generated an error
## Valid documents regression tests
## Validity checking regression tests
## Streaming validity checking regression tests
## Streaming validity error checking regression tests
## General documents valid regression tests
## XInclude regression tests
## XInclude xmlReader regression tests
## XInclude regression tests stripping include nodes
## XInclude xmlReader regression tests stripping include nodes
## XPath expressions regression tests
Result for ./test/XPath/expr/floats failed in result/XPath/expr/floats
File ./test/XPath/expr/floats generated an error
## XPath document queries regression tests
## XPointer document queries regression tests
## xml:id regression tests
## URI parsing tests
## URI base composition tests
## Path URI conversion tests
## Schemas regression tests
## Relax-NG regression tests
## Relax-NG streaming regression tests
## Pattern regression tests
## C14N with comments regression tests
## C14N without comments regression tests
## C14N exclusive without comments regression tests
## C14N 1.1 without comments regression tests
## Catalog and Threads regression tests
Total 3146 tests, 14 errors, 0 leaks
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.

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