Re: [xml] runtest mystery bug: name2.xml error case regression test

On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 12:57:33PM -0400, Daniel Richard G. wrote:
I've encountered what appears to be a Heisenbug in runtest.

Sometimes, when I run "make check", I see

[ -d test   ] || ln -s /afs/   .
[ -d result ] || ln -s /afs/ .
./runtest &&  ./testrecurse && ./testapi &&  ./testchar&&  ./testdict &&  ./runxmlconf
## XML regression tests
## XML regression tests on memory
## XML entity subst regression tests
## XML Namespaces regression tests
## Error cases regression tests
Error for ./test/errors/name2.xml failed
File ./test/errors/name2.xml generated an error
## Error cases stream regression tests
## Reader regression tests
## Reader entities substitution regression tests
## C14N exclusive without comments regression tests
## C14N 1.1 without comments regression tests
## Catalog and Threads regression tests
Total 2829 tests, 1 errors, 0 leaks
make: *** [runtests] Error 1

Other times, everything passes. If I invoke runtest by itself, it
doesn't even fail or succeed consistently. Valgrind turns up

I believe I've found a way for others to reproduce the issue. The
attached patch (against git master) disables all but the "Error
cases regression tests" set of tests, and with this change, I get a
consistent test failure:

$ ./runtest
## Error cases regression tests
Error for ./test/errors/name2.xml failed
File ./test/errors/name2.xml generated an error
Total 11 tests, 1 errors, 0 leaks

I've been unable to track down what's going on, as it occurs deep
inside the parser code and I'm not on strong footing there.

Can anyone else reproduce this, using the patch?

  I went back and applied this to the current git head, and
it doesn't reproduce anymore. So maybe it was fixed since then,
as a result I pulled 2.8.0, applied your patch, and nope that
doesn't reproduce for me either :-\

  Do you still see the issue with the current git head ?


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
daniel veillard com  | Rpmfind RPM search engine | virtualization library

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