Re: [xml] The order of arguments when compiling

Thank you this solution works perfectly!

----- Mail original -----
De: "Noam Postavsky" <npostavs users sourceforge net>
Ã: "spam spam spam spam" <spam spam spam spam free fr>
Cc: xml gnome org
EnvoyÃ: Lundi 20 FÃvrier 2012 15:41:21
Objet: Re: [xml] The order of arguments when compiling

spam spam spam spam free fr writes:

Thank you for this option.
But if I use it like this :
bin_PROGRAMS = xmlparsefile
xmlparsefile_SOURCES = main.c
xmlparsefile_LDADD = `xml2-config --libs`
xmlparsefile_CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra `xml2-config --cflags`

I got :
$ autoreconf
src/ linker flags such as `--libs`' belong in `xmlparsefile_LDFLAGS
make: *** [] Error 1

Interesting, but I think things will be cleaner if you get the flags in

LIBXML_LIBS=`xml2-config --libs`
LIBXML_CFLAGS=`xml2-config --cflags`

or you could use the pkg-config macro which lets you check the version

PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBXML], [libxml-2.0 >= 2.7.8])


bin_PROGRAMS = xmlparsefile
xmlparsefile_SOURCES = main.c
xmlparsefile_LDADD = $(LIBXML_LIBS)
xmlparsefile_CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra $(LIBXML_CFLAGS)

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