Re: [xml] Remove whitespaces from text nodes

No, this is not what I want.
The xmlKeepBlanksDefault function removes blank nodes.
My XML document contains a node with whitespaces. It's not a blank node.
So, it doesn't remove my whitespaces.

There is a solution using the libxslt library and applying a stylesheet to the document...
But I am wondering if there is a way to do this job using just libxml2.

Have you any idea about this?

----- Mail original -----
De: "Michael Ludwig" <milu71 gmx de>
Ã: xml gnome org
EnvoyÃ: Mardi 14 FÃvrier 2012 22:43:37
Objet: Re: [xml] Remove whitespaces from text nodes

Laurence Rowe schrieb am 14.02.2012 um 20:58 (+0000):
On 14 February 2012 09:59,  <spam spam spam spam free fr> wrote:
I would like to have this output (without editing my XML file) :
"My book "A""
"My book "B""
"My book "C""

The useless whitespaces are removed from text nodes.

Is there a function which do this work?
Take a look at the xmllint source, it has a --noblanks option which
sets xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0);
But that doesn't get rid of non-ignorable whitespace.

$ xmllint --version
xmllint: using libxml version 20708

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