Hi, I got the same problem and your patch solve the issue. Thanks, Frank Le 01/03/2012 17:04, Pietro Cerutti a écrit : On 2012-Feb-01, 18:01, Pietro Cerutti wrote:Hi, I have a segfault running the sample program here: http://people.freebsd.org/~gahr/xmlErrorHandler.c It seems that setting up both xmlTextReaderSetStructuredErrorHandler and xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc confuses the code around error.c:592 and following, but I'm having a hard time tracking down the logics there.. I'm not sure if this is somehow related to this other post: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/2009-August/msg00020.htmlI have a patch at http://people.freebsd.org/~gahr/error.c.diff . It works with any combinations of using xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc, xmlTextReaderSetStructuredErrorHandler, both, or none. Feedback welcome, -- Frank GROSS Software Engineer - Web Services Four J's Development Tools - http://www.4js.com |