Re: [xml] Using libxml2 to parse Wikipedia bot login results

Try to use XPath for extracting values.

For this case a simple query like this will give you a proper result -
"//login/@result", or if results are already predefined you can eveen do
it like this - "//login[ result='Success']" - if this query returns at
least one element you are fine, otherwise you can assume it failed. etc.

On 28/02/2011 07:38 a.m., richardcavell mail com wrote:
Hi everyone.

I'm a noob learning C.  C99, to be precise.  I've decided to code a
Wikipedia bot in C.  I know it's probably not the best language to

My code successfully logs in via the Wikimedia API.  In order to do
so, I need to parse this kind of result:

<?xml version="1.0"?><api><login result="Success" lguserid="14084680"
lgtoken="b0aa68b61c803e96144d82e0f535d63b" cookieprefix="enwiki"
sessionid="bb538415baebda74e35ff6262dc92e19" /></api>

All I really want is to pass the term "login result" to a function and
get "Success" in reply, or indeed whatever else is in those quotes. 
At the moment I'm doing it using <string.h> and it works, but is
probably not very future-proof nor very professional.  Should I be
using libxml?  If so, how do I do it without getting bogged down in
parsing an XML tree?


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