[xml] Problem reading inner text when parsing through xpatha

I have an xml doc like this





      <c c1=”a”> Innext text </c>

      <d c1=”a”> Innext text </d>




      <c c1=”a”> Innext text </c>

      <d c1=”a”> Innext text </d>




And I am trying to get the Inner text of b nodes (technically I need nothing as output as b is an element node)


I am using something like this to parse

             xmlXPathObjectPtr result = GetXpathNodes(xpath); //Assuming this gets me the xpathObjectPtr

                xmlNodeSetPtr nodeset;

                if (result)


                                nodeset = result->nodesetval;


                                for (int i=0; i < nodeset->nodeNr; i++)


                                                xmlChar *keyword= xmlNodeListGetString(doc, nodeset->nodeTab[i]->xmlChildrenNode, 1);









                                xmlXPathFreeObject (result);



Is this correct?    Its appending all new lines and spaces but no characters.






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