[xml] xmlRemoveProp and xmlUnsetProp not remoning element

I have tried to use both xmlRemoveProp and xmlUnsetProp to remove an element and both return an error stating they can’t find the element, even though it was found with xmlStrcmp.

So not sure what I’m doing wrong, any suggestions would be appreciated.


            xmlNodePtr cur1 = xmlDocGetRootElement(fDoc);

            if (cur1 == NULL)

                        throw runtime_error("Config::removeConfig: error parsing config file " + fConfigFile);


            xmlNodePtr cur2;

            xmlAttrPtr element;


            cur1 = cur1->xmlChildrenNode;

            while (cur1 != NULL)


                        if (xmlStrcmp(cur1->name, (const xmlChar *)section.c_str()) == 0)


                                    cur2 = cur1->xmlChildrenNode;

                                    while (cur2 != NULL)


                                                if (xmlStrcmp(cur2->name, (const xmlChar*)name.c_str()) == 0)



                                                            element = xmlHasProp(cur2, (const xmlChar*)name.c_str());

                                                            if ( element == NULL )

                                                                        throw runtime_error("Config::removeConfig: xmlHasProp error");




//                                                          if ( xmlUnsetProp(cur2, (const xmlChar*)name.c_str()) != 0 )

//                                                                      throw runtime_error("Config::removeConfig: xmlUnsetProp error");




                                                cur2 = cur2->next;



                        cur1 = cur1->next;



David Hill

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