On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 08:12:13AM -0700, mini thomas wrote:
> APIs like MultiByteToWideChar has an option to give the number of bytes required by the output string after the input is transcoded.
> I am using xmlGetCharEncodingHandler and related functions
> Is there any way to get the size of output string. ?
an encoding handler routine does for input or output as a signature:
* xmlCharEncodingInputFunc:
* @out: a pointer to an array of bytes to store the UTF-8 result
* @outlen: the length of @out
* @in: a pointer to an array of chars in the original encoding
* @inlen: the length of @in
* Take a block of chars in the original encoding and try to convert
* it to an UTF-8 block of chars out.
* Returns the number of bytes written, -1 if lack of space, or -2
* if the
transcoding failed.
* The value of @inlen after return is the number of octets consumed
* if the return value is positive, else unpredictiable.
* The value of @outlen after return is the number of octets consumed.
typedef int (* xmlCharEncodingInputFunc)(unsigned char *out, int *outlen,
const unsigned char *in, int *inlen);
it certainly returned the number of bytes in the output, outlen and
inlen are also output parameter in addition to the returned value.
Daniel Veillard | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
http://xmlsoft.org/daniel veillard com | Rpmfind RPM search engine
http://rpmfind.net/http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library