[xml] Can I read namespace URIs as regular attributes?

I'm trying to read all namespace URIs by go through all attributes of
the root element. Can I read them as regular attributes?

My code is following:


  // Current node is the root element
  attrNum = xmlTextReaderAttributeCount(reader);
  for (i=0;i<attrNum;i++){

    xmlChar *name, *value;

    name = xmlTextReaderName(reader);
    value = xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNo(reader,i); // read by index
    //value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader,name); // or read by name

    if (xmlTextReaderIsNamespaceDecl(reader))
      cout << "it is a ns decl" << endl;  // It always shows it is
namespace declaration.

    // Name always can be read correctly
    if (name == NULL)
      cout << "name is null" << endl;
      cout << "name is " << name << endl;

   // However, value is always null no matter index or name is used.
    if (value == NULL)
      cout << "value is null" << endl;
      cout << "value is " << value << endl;

Although names are always read correctly, I always get NULL for
values. Do I missing something?


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