Re: [xml] interaction between xmlSetGenericErrorFunc and xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc can crash (draft patch available)

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 08:05:37PM -0700, Wang Lam wrote:

Hi!  I came across some (unfortunate) behavior in libxml2 (2.7.3
and head) error handling that I want to run by you for your comments.
I have a patch that may help one aspect of it, if you are interested.

  Yes, I am, sorry for the late reply, I was really busy lately.

// 1
Based on the API description and mailing-list messages--

      [Re: [xml] libxml error redirection]

      [Re: [xml] Error handling]

--this function (xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc) seems to be the preferable
way to capture errors.


(a) xmlGenericError still gets called, which seems surprising and
    unfortunate in light of the xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc call.

  yes as you foudn out there is still many many calls internally to
xmlGenericError(), that should be cleaned up in some ways !


(b) Worse than being invoked, though, the default xmlGenericError
    crashed (instead of, say, printing to stderr).

    From what I see, xmlGenericErrorFunc and xmlStructuredErrorFunc
    share a single xmlGenericErrorContext; setting one function
    overwrites the other function's context.  In the above example
    code, the default xmlGenericErrorDefaultFunc expects its context
    to be a FILE * (or NULL, to default to stderr), and my custom
    xmlStructuredErrorFunc expects a pointer to a writable error-string
    buffer (for example).

    Locally, I work around the problem by writing both error-handling
    functions (and setting them both together) so that they can share
    one context.  It's also possible, though, to create a separate
    void * xmlStructuredErrorContext so that the two functions don't
    have to fight over the same state.

  yes, I agree with the diagnostic, I came up to the same conclusion,
this need fixing !

    With a patch to create xmlStructuredErrorContext, I get a different
    result from the above example code:

  yes, I think I know what you patch does, add the new variable in
  globals.c, initialize it properly, and use it for the strcutured
  error paths in error.c

While I'd naturally prefer (a) to be resolved, I don't know whether
it is easy or not (whether anybody is able to go through the code
to assert or verify its resolution).  On the other hand, I do have
a draft patch lying around (relative to libxml head) for (b).

  I'm interested in the b) patch, that would avoid the need for me to
do the exact same thing !

So, I wonder--

* Are (a) and (b) behaviors that libxml2's maintainers would also
  like changed, or do they represent desired behavior for the system
  (e.g., the system is "supposed to" become undefined in // 2)?

  I ideally would like to have both changed, but realistically right now
fixing b) might be sufficient.

* Should I file a bug entry and submit my draft patch for (b) (to create
  a new void *xmlStructuredErrorContext)?  (It's about 451 lines, so
  I don't have it attached to this already-long message, but as you'd
  quickly see, most of those lines are just side effects of libxml2's
  internal code generation.)

  yes please or just reply with the attached patch, I expect to do
  libxml2 maintainace today and tomorrow !

Your thoughts or suggestions would be welcome.  Thanks!

  thanks a lot for the report and details, spot on !


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
daniel veillard com  | Rpmfind RPM search engine | virtualization library

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