[xml] Release of libxml2-2.6.28

  Hum, I didn't made a releas for quite a long time and various
fixes and patches had accumulated:

* Documentation: comment fixes (Markus Keim)
 - xpath comments fixes too (James Dennett)
* Bug fixes: XPath bug (William Brack)
 - HTML parser autoclose stack usage (Usamah Malik)
 - various regexp bug fixes (DV and William)
 - path conversion on Windows (Igor Zlatkovic)
 - htmlCtxtReset fix (Michael Day)
 - XPath principal node of axis bug
 - HTML serialization of some codepoint (Steven Rainwater)
 - user data propagation in XInclude (Michael Day)
 - standalone and XML decl detection (Michael Day)
 - Python id ouptut for some id
 - fix the big python string memory leak
 - URI parsing fixes (Stephane Bidoul and William)
 - long comments parsing bug (William)
 - concurrent threads initialization (Ted Phelps)
 - invalid char in text XInclude (William)
 - XPath memory leak (William)
 - tab in python problems (Andreas Hanke)
 - XPath node comparison error (Oleg Paraschenko)
 - cleanup patch for reader (Julien Reichel)
 - XML Schemas attribute group (William)
 - HTML parsing problem (William)
 - fix char 0x2d in regexps (William)
 - regexp quantifier range with min occurs of 0 (William)
 - HTML script/style parsing (Mike Day)
* Improvement: make xmlTextReaderSetup() public
* Compilation and postability: fix a missing include problem (William)
 - __ss_familly on AIX again (Bjorn Wiberg)
 - compilation without zlib (Michael Day)
 - catalog patch for Win32 (Christian Ehrlicher)
 - Windows CE fixes (Andreas Stricke)
* Various CVS to SVN infrastructure changes

  thanks to everybody who contributed with bug reports, ideas and patches !


Red Hat Virtualization group http://redhat.com/virtualization/
Daniel Veillard      | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine  http://rpmfind.net/

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