Re: [xml] Configure error C++ preprocessor "CC -E" fails sanity check

On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 09:50:44AM +0200, Ralf Corsepius wrote:
On Fri, 2006-07-28 at 13:05 -0400, Augie Henriques wrote:
I'm new to the libxml.
I have QNX4 and I'm trying to run the configure script using...
configure --disable-shared --without-threads CC=cc CXX=CC LD=cc
CPP="cc -E" CXXCPP="CC -E" CFLAGS="-mf -j -zp4 -5r" CXXFLAGS="-mf -j
-zp4 -5r"
I get the following error...
configure: error: C++ preprocessor "CC -E" fails sanity check
see 'config.log' for more details
[See attached config.log file]
Why do I get this error message?  How can I fix this?

Note this:
configure:5375: checking for C++ compiler version
configure:5378: CC --version </dev/null >&5
CC: not found

By installing the c++-compiler you specify in your call to configure?

 One thing which suprizes me is that while the configure command
is in error passing a wrong c++ compiler name on the command line
argument, I don't understand why it affects libxml2 as we don't
need a C++ compiler anywhere, just a C one. There may be something
to fix there, 


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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